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Proven Effective Over Time

For over 35 + years, Dr Robban Sica has incorporated IV therapy as part of her treatment plans for a variety of patients. Whether a patient is showing the early signs of an infection or a patient with complex chronic disease, IVs  have proven to be effective therapies.

What Is IV Nutrition And Therapy?

IV is short for Intravenous Infusion which facilitates rapid and effective delivery of fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals directly into your system. IV drips bypass your digestion and markedly increase the positive benefits from nutritional treatment. Our vitamin cocktails are designed to optimize your nutrition, health, and wellness.

What are the benefits of IV Nutrition and Hydration Infusion?

Why should I get IV vitamin and hydration therapy when I could just drink a lot of water and take supplements?

  • Over half the US population is not getting enough vitamins and minerals in their food, creating significant nutrient deficiencies.
  • What percentage of nutrients are absorbed orally?
    • An increasing number of people have digestive problems that reduce your ability to absorb and utilize nutrients, which means only 5 to 50% of the vitamins or minerals taken as a pill will end up benefiting you.
    • Which nutrients are especially hard to absorb?
      • Minerals, including magnesium and iron, may need to be given intravenously to adequately correct low levels.
      • Vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed by many and is often given by B12 IV infusion or B12 injections.
      • Antioxidants, especially glutathione which is a large, poorly absorbed molecule, is much more effectively administered as a glutathione drip for optimal effect.
  • Most people are chronically dehydrated, either due to inadequate water intake or too many dehydrating beverages. This is compounded by not getting enough electrolytes and minerals to retain and benefit from the water they drink.
  • With IV drips, you get 100% delivery of the IV nutrition and hydration, making sure that you get the optimal benefits.
    • When too much vitamin C or magnesium are taken orally, it can cause loose stools and loss of essential nutrients.
    • IV Vitamin C can be given at much higher doses than can be taken by mouth, resulting in concentrations that trigger immune chemicals, such as interferon. This effect can not be achieved with oral intake.
      When magnesium is given orally, only a small percentage is absorbed, then has to fight its way past calcium to get to where it should be inside the cells. IV magnesium drips deliver 100% of magnesium into the blood, which is then pushed into the cell. When given as an IV magnesium treatment, intracellular magnesium deficiency can be correct in just a few IV drips.
IV Suite in Westport CT
Jenna takes Dr. Sica's Blood Pressure

Why Am I Depleted of Essential Vitamins And Minerals When I Think I Eat Well?

Why are vitamin and mineral deficiencies so rampant so that more and more people turning to IV drips for their nutritional needs and optimal health?

  • Over the past 100 years, nutrient content in food has been decreasing due to farming practices. Concern over mineral depletion in soils was expressed in a US Congressional Hearing as long ago as 1936! Unfortunately, factory farming only fertilizes with the few nutrients needed by plants and does not replete minerals in the soil. If it is not in the soil, you can’t absorb it.
  • Eating processed, fast foods and alcohol that have been stripped of vitamins and minerals necessary to digest and metabolize that food, which actually DEPLETES the needed nutrients and leads to even greater nutritional deficiencies.
  • Excessive alcohol intake not only causes severe dehydration but also significantly depletes B vitamins, especially Thiamine (vitamin B-1), glutathione, and minerals as well. IV Infusion hangover drips containing vitamin C, glutathione, B vitamins, minerals, and fluids are a way of rapidly reversing the nutritional damage done and restoring hydration status.
  • Chronic situational stress of our modern fast paced society creates a much larger demand for vitamins and minerals just to deal with that stress, especially vitamin C and vitamin B 12 and B- complex vitamins.
    • Surgery is an acute stressor that depletes nutrients. IV vitamin C and IV minerals given before and after surgery can speed recovery and healing by providing necessary building blocks for repairing tissue and anesthesia detox.
    • IV infusion of these critical vitamins dramatically improve energy and wellbeing.
  • Gluten intolerance, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and other intestinal problems that lead to malabsorption of vitamins and minerals lead chronic nutrient depletion, causing fatigue, poor immune function, and diminished health. These conditions can be reversed with specially designed nutrient drips, especially containing IV vitamin C.
  • More and more chemicals are dumped into our air, water, and food supplies each year, making us all more toxic this year than last. Our liver and other detox organs use up our available stores of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as glutathione, in order to rid the body of these toxins, leaving us depleted. Intravenous Detox drips containing glutathione IV, Vitamin C and other essential detox nutrients replete the liver so it can detox more effectively.

How do a find a drip doctor or IV clinic that provides optimal IV treatment protocols for my needs?

  • Because of increasing demand for IV nutrition infusions, businesses such as spas, salons, gyms, ‘IV bars” home infusionists that offer some form of IV drips are cropping up. Many have little knowledge or experience in IV nutrient therapy.
  • Our IV clinics, supervised by Robban Sica, MD, a medical doctor with over 35 years’ experience in teaching and administering IV therapy and nutrition, provide you with tried and true IV protocols, such as a true “Myer’s cocktail” and high dose vitamin C drips as well as other IV treatments tailored to your specific health needs.


We Provide Four Levels of IV Infusion Protocols: More Options For More Benefits of Intravenous Treatment.

How do I select the IV Drip that best suits my needs?

Our clinics provides multiple levels of IV therapy with more options to fit each individual’s needs. You may be referred by your healthcare provider or have a consultation with one of our clinical staff.

Visit our boutique IV Clinic in North Haven CT

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